Below are a list of educational resources related to Patient, public involvement Please note You may need to create an account with the provider in order to access some of the resources on offer.For the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) resources, the information provided may not all be applicable, as it is aimed at those conducting clinical research in England, so please use it as a general resource. Edinburgh CRF Courses A Practical Guide to Patient and Public Involvement in Research: This workshop will provide you with a basic understanding of what PPI in research is all about.Including Patient and Public Involvement in Funding Applications: This course will explore how and where to include PPI in research grant applications.Creating and Running a PPI Group: This course discusses how to advertise and recruit patient and public members, organise your first meeting and how to keep your group running successfully and sustainably.PPI in Clinical Trials - Design, Recruitment and Retention: This course discusses why Patient Public Involvement (PPI) is particularly useful for the development of clinical trials and how it can help in the design of trials and in the recruitment and retention of participantsDoing PPI with Underserved Groups: This advanced course will equip you with the skills to identify barriers and enablers to effective PPI with underserved communities.Bitesize Introduction to Patient Public Involvement Course: This free online, self-directed Xerte course aims to help you begin your patient public involvement activities. Please refer to our course page for further details. eLearning Courses *FOR NIHR / HRA resources, please log in or create an NIHR Learn account, before clicking the link below Plain Language summaries (Duration 20min) - Provider: NIHR / Health Research Authority (HRA)* Resources Please refer to the NHS Research Scotland website Back to Educational Resource Page This article was published on 2023-08-15