Click on the titles below for further details of our resources to support the development of Principal Investigators. NHS Lothian Principal Investigator Roles and Responsibilities In collaboration with ACCORD, we have developed a series of training videos outlining the roles and responsibilities of Principal Investigators (PI) of Clinical Research. The training has been adapted from original slides developed by the NRS Training Forum.The videos are aimed at new Principal Investigators (PIs) working in clinical research in Lothian; however, they may also benefit current PIs who want to refresh their knowledge and/or members of clinical research teams who want a better understanding of the PI role.The modules include:Introduction (5 mins)Study Set up at site (22 mins)Conduct of study at site (23 mins)Study closure at site (7 mins)Please submit a request to access the videos via this MS Form: Associate Principal Investigator Scheme (NHS Lothian) AboutWe are proud to support the NIHR Associate PI Scheme in NHS Lothian.The Associate PI Scheme is a six month in-work training opportunity, providing practical experience for healthcare professionals starting their research career.People who would not normally have the opportunity to take part in clinical research in their day-to-day role have the chance to experience what it means to work on and deliver an NIHR portfolio trial under the mentorship of an enthusiastic Local Principal Investigator (PI). A Principal Investigator is an individual responsible for the conduct of a research study at a site.Associate Principal Investigators receive formal recognition of engagement in NIHR Portfolio research studies through the certification of Associate PI status, endorsed by the NIHR and Royal Colleges.Further information about the scheme can be found on the NIHR website: Principal Investigator Scheme in NHS Lothian: Webinar 1This webinar is aimed at Chief Investigators, Principal Investigators (PIs) and Research Teams to learn more about the NIHR Associate PI Scheme and how they can support it. The benefits of scheme, the processes involved and how to register a study on the scheme are discussed.Associate Principal Investigator Scheme in NHS Lothian: Webinar 2This webinar is aimed at those who are interested in applying to the NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Scheme in NHS Lothian. The webinar covers:what the scheme involvesthe benefits of the schemehow to applyexperiences from a previous Associate PI in NHS Lothian. NIHR Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP) (Scotland) AboutThe NIHR Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP) in Scotland offers research delivery nurses and midwives the opportunity to develop as Principal Investigators on NIHR portfolio studies. The programme is expected to take 12 to 18 months and consists of live virtual lessons, online learning and hands-on experience.For more information about the programme and how to apply, please follow this link.The programme is open to research nurses and midwives based in Scotland only. Those based in England should apply through NIHR. The PIPP in Scotland programme is being delivered jointly by Edinburgh and Glasgow Clinical Research Facilities.CostThe programme is free-of-charge.DatesCohort 1 of the programme will start in March 2025. Applications for this cohort have closed. Follow us on Bluesky - Education @ Edinburgh CRF Handle: @EduEdinburghCRF.Back to Education home page. This article was published on 2024-08-06