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Data Management Planning


At the end of this practical workshop, you will have produced a first draft Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project. You will understand the basic components of a good DMP. As this course is specifically for researchers involved in Clinical Trials, we will use the MRC template and guidance as the basis for this. Other relevant funders such as Cancer Research UK and the Wellcome Trust will also be briefly discussed.

The course will cover the following topics:

  • What is Data Management Planning?
  • Why does it matter?
  • An introduction to DMPonline
  • What data will be collected or created?
  • How will the data be documented and described?
  • How will the data be stored, backed up and secured?
  • How will ethics and intellectual property be handled?
  • How, when and where will data be preserved and shared?
  • Who is responsible and what will it cost?

 Upon completion of this course, attendees will:

  1. Understand the necessity/benefits of producing a DMP;
  2. Know how to use DMPonline;
  3. Have drafted a basic DMP that they can complete after the course.

Before the course, attendees will need to register on DMPonline (, as they will be drafting a DMP using this online platform.


Kerry Miller


*This course is free-of-charge for staff and students of the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian.  Booking is still required through the below link. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates***


Rate (card)

Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)

University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian staff and students*



External Student (matriculation details required)



Other Academic/NHS






There is a cancellation date of 26 September 2024.  You will still be charged if you cancel after this date.

(link to external ePay website)