Register your interest to be informed of the next course date. For courses with no date currently scheduled, or if you are unable to attend the scheduled date advertised, please select the course title below (link to an MS Form) to register your interest and we will inform you of future dates.We regularly update our website, so please do refer to our course page to view a full listing of all our course dates. You can also join our mailing list to be kept informed of our courses and events programme and news from the Edinburgh CRF Education Core. Informed Consent - Adults (Scotland) Informed Consent: Adults (Scotland) - This workshop covers the ethical, legal and practical issues around receiving informed consent from adult clinical research participants. Paediatric Consent: The Practicalities and Legalities of Consent in Clinical Research (Scotland) Paediatric Consent: The Practicalities and Legalities of Consent in Clinical Research (Scotland) - This workshop covers the ethical, legal and practical issues around receiving informed consent for paediatric clinical research. GCP for Laboratories GCP for Laboratories - This course will provide you with an understanding of the importance of GCP for Laboratories and its practical application in research settings. An Introduction to Health Economics An Introduction to Health Economics - An interactive session introducing key concepts of health economics and allocation of health resource in relation to clinical research. The Whys and Hows of Applying to the Public Benefit and Privacy Panel (PBPP) The Whys and Hows of Applying to the Public Benefit and Privacy Panel (PBPP) - This interactive course will explore when and how you should apply to the PBPP to obtain permission to access healthcare data for research. Helping you to submit a successful NHS Research Ethics Application Helping you to submit a successful NHS Research Ethics Application - An interactive course with Research Ethics Committee (REC) members and staff providing an insight into the NHS ethical review process. A Practical Guide to Patient and Public Involvement in Research A Practical Guide to Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research - This workshop will provide you with a basic understanding of what PPI in research is all about. Including Patient and Public Involvement in Funding Applications Including Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Funding Applications - This course will explore how and where to include PPI in research grant applications. Creating and Running a PPI Group Creating and Running a PPI Group - This course discusses how to advertise and recruit patient and public members, organise your first meeting and how to keep your group running successfully and sustainably. PPI in Clinical Trials - Design, Recruitment and Retention PPI in Clinical Trials: Design, Recruitment and Retention - This course discusses why PPI is particularly useful for the development of clinical trials and how it can help in the design of trials and in the recruitment and retention of participants. Doing PPI with Under-served Groups Doing PPI with Under-served Groups - This advanced course will equip you with the skills to identify barriers and enablers to effective PPI with under-served communities. Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research Summer School Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research Summer School - This summer school will provide you with the confidence and skills in PPI to enable you to undertake your first PPI activity or improve your current practice. Bite-size Practical Project Management Bite-size Practical Project Management - This workshop covers practical skills, tools and techniques to help you successfully plan and deliver clinical research projects. Data Management Planning Data Management Planning - A practical workshop covering the basic components and creation of Data Management Plans (DMP) for research projects. Generative AI and the Researcher Generative AI and the Researcher - This course introduces researchers to the area of Gen AI and how it can be integrated into the research process. Computer System Validation (CSV) and Electronic Health Records Computer System Validation (CSV) and Electronic Health Records - This workshop covers the purpose and requirements of CSV and how this affects the use of electronic healthcare records. Stats for the Terrified: An Introduction to Medical Statistics Stats for the Terrified: An Introduction to Medical Statistics - An introductory course covering the basics of using and interpreting statistics in healthcare research. Making Sense of Numbers: Interpretation of Data Making Sense of Numbers: Interpretation of Data - This half day course is aimed directly at those who need to interpret numbers but have little or no knowledge of statistics. Introduction to Qualitative Methods Introduction to Qualitative Methods - This course introduces the key principles in research design and strategy for qualitative research. Using Mixed Methods Using Mixed Methods - This course explores the relevance and rationale of mixed methods designs for healthcare research and complex interventions. Focus Groups Focus Groups - This course considers the different stages of the research process that focus groups can be used. Conducting Interviews in Qualitative Research Conducting Interviews in Qualitative Research - This course aims to provide the knowledge and skills required to conduct research interviews in qualitative research. Introduction to Questionnaire Design Introduction to Questionnaire Design - This course aims to provide a theoretical and practical introduction to questionnaire design, application and data interpretation. Planning and Conducting a Systematic Review Planning and Conducting a Systematic Review - This course will provide practical guidance on the steps involved in conducting a systematic review from planning to completion. An Introduction to Public Speaking: How to design and deliver successful speeches An Introduction to Public Speaking: How to design and deliver successful speeches - This course covers how to plan, design and deliver a successful speech or presentation. Inspection Survival Guide: Being Prepared for an MHRA GCP Inspection Inspection Survival Guide: Being Prepared for an MHRA GCP Inspection - This course will provide an overview of what to expect from the GCP inspection process in clinical research settings. There's an SOP for that! A practical guide to Standard Operating Procedures There's an SOP for that! A practical guide to Standard Operating Procedures - This practical course focuses on how to write and manage Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in a clinical research setting. Edinburgh Clinical Research Methodology Course (ECRMC) Edinburgh Clinical Research Methodology Course (ECRMC) - This two-day course provides a comprehensive overview of the methods and frameworks currently required to perform cutting-edge clinical research. Edinburgh Clinical Trial Management Course (ECTMC) Edinburgh Clinical Trial Management Course (ECTMC) - This two-day course provides an introduction to the management of clinical trials and gives an overview of the standard processes and legal requirements necessary to undertake clinical research. Edinburgh Dementia Prevention Brain Health Summer School Edinburgh Dementia Prevention Brain Health Summer School - This summer school will focus on the latest evidence for dementia prevention and promoting good brain health. Course suggestions For other course topics in Clinical Research which are not currently on our programme, please complete the Course Suggestions form to make your course suggestion(s). This article was published on 2023-07-28