Making Sense of Numbers: Interpretation of Data

**Please note: The course content and examples relate mainly to Medical data**


The content is appropriate for those who may need to critically appraise published (quantitative) articles. The focus is on interpreting rather than generating the results of a statistical analysis. 

At the end of this workshop those attending should be able to: 

  • Distinguish between absolute and relative measures 
  • Explain the distinction between confidence intervals and P-values 
  • Interpret the results of one-sample, unmatched and paired t-tests 
  • Interpret the chi-square test for comparing proportions 
  • Interpret an odds ratio 
  • Make sense of data presented in graphs 

**We strongly recommend that anyone wishing to sign up for this course has already attended the "Stats for the Terrified: An Introduction to Medical Statistics" course, scheduled to take place on 04/02/2025**  


David Chinn


*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate - Card    Rate - Invoice/ internal transfer
Funded (*see eligibility above)    £0 £0
Student £40  £60
Academic/NHS £90  £110
Industry £180  £200

There is a cancellation date of 13/02/2025. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 

(link to external ePay website)