NIHR Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme (PIPP) in Scotland - How to apply

Apply to participate in the NIHR PIPP in Scotland programme

Applications openTuesday 01 October 2024
Applications closeSunday 17 November 2024
Programme startsMonday 03 March 2025

FAQs about applying

I've previously completed the NIHR Associate PI Scheme. Can I take part in the NIHR PIPP in Scotland scheme?

If you have moved into a research delivery role since completing the NIHR Associate PI scheme, then you can discuss undertaking the PIPP with your line manager.

Is there an interview as part of the PIPP application process?

There is no interview, but you must discuss and get approval from your line manager before you sign up to the programme. This will ensure you get the support you need during the programme.

Is participation in NIHR PIPP in Scotland available all year round?

There is just one cohort scheduled in Scotland in 2025. There will be 15 places offered in the cohort.

What are the requirements around mentorship / support whilst undertaking PIPP?

Throughout the programme, there will be colleagues to support your development journey.

  • Element 1:  support is provided via the Research Nurse Educator
  • Element 2:  support is provided via your local PI
  • Element 3:  support is provided by an identified mentor (who can be outside of your professional group and outside of your organisation)


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