South-East Scotland NHS Innovation Intrapreneur Course


Participate in a one-day course at The National Robotarium to discover the world of "Innovation Intrapreneurship" and learn how you can contribute and inspire others in ensuring the long-term sustainability of the NHS through the co-production of innovative products, services and processes.

During the day you will work as a team in learning to use two key tools in interactive workshops to co-design a blueprint for a self-managed “Innovators Club of Intrapreneurs”. The aim is to establish a “guiding coalition” where experience, ideas, and enthusiasm are combined collaboratively to co-create solutions to the everyday and strategic challenges we face in the NHS.

NHS staff/students, local authority, academic and industry partners are invited from across the South East Scotland region (NHS Borders, NHS Fife and NHS Lothian) regardless of banding, role, profession or discipline.

We welcome all who have a passion for problem solving and thinking outside of the box!

Please note that this event will focus on NHS Lothian as an example, but the learning will be transferable to other Health Boards.


Course objectives:

  • Identify the value that innovative solutions can bring to the NHS, its staff and the population it serves;
  • Explore the necessary factors for the adoption of innovative solutions within NHS Boards, with the potential for broader implementation across NHS Scotland, the rest of the UK and potentially globally;
  • Embrace a "Safe to Fail" approach to experiment with innovative solutions, capturing valuable insights for their continuous development to stay relevant in a fast changing world.

Experts from the South-East Region Innovation Hub, NHS Lothian, the Chief Scientist’s Office, academia and industry will share their knowledge through facilitation of interactive workshops and engaging presentations.  

Key topics covered in the programme include:

  • Overview of the National Innovation Programme for Health & Care in Scotland
  • Innovation as an opportunity in the current challenging financial climate
  • Showcase of innovation success in the NHS
  • Using 'Value Proposition and Business Model Canvas Tools' to support innovation
  • Patient and Public Involvement in innovation
  • The opportunity to make Scotland the fastest growing health innovation life science cluster in Europe
  • Using simulation suites for effective innovation


  • NHS/Local Authority/Academic/Not For Profit Rate = £10
  • Industry Rate = £30

Lunch and refreshments included.

There will also be the opportunity for a guided tour of the Robotarium.

We will apply for CPD Accreditation from the Royal College of Physicians for this event.


There is a cancellation date of 16 May 2024. You will still be charged if you cancel after this date.