Using Mixed Methods in Clinical Research


This course will cover the application of mixed methods in health and social care research.  At the end of the course, you will be able to demonstrate a critical understanding and application of mixed methods research in health and social care and understand how mixed methods can enable research in complex interventions in healthcare. 


  • Explain how paradigms are reconciled in mixed methods;
  • Critically appraise types of mixed methods and their suitability for different studies;
  • Identify complex interventions in healthcare;
  • Explain the complex interventions framework for research purposes;
  • Summarise key points of realist evaluation as a research method in complex interventions.


Dr Sheila Rodgers


*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

CategoryRate (Card)Rate (Invoice/internal UoE transfer)
Student (matriculation details required)£50£70
University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian£70£90
Other Academic/NHS£100£120

There is a cancellation date of 21/10/25.  If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged.

(link to external ePay website)