Paediatric Consent - The Practicalities and Legalities in taking consent for Paediatric Trials


***This course will be run jointly by Glasgow Clinical Research Facility and Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility***                                                                               This workshop will focus on the ethical, legal and practical issues around obtaining informed consent for paediatric clinical research in Scotland. The first half of the course examines the legislation and guidance in relation to consent, with a specific focus on who is able to give consent, dependent on the type of trial and the age of the participant. The second section discusses how to implement the legislation by closely examining the consent process and highlighting practical considerations.

Please note, this course focuses on Scottish legislation.


Naomi Hickey


* There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email address.  Terms and Conditions apply.  The course is free-of-charge for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde staff. 



Fully funded place (see eligibility above)*


NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde staff


Student (matriculation details required)


Other Academic/NHS




There is a cancellation date of 19/09/2024. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged.   

(link to external NHS Research Scotland website)

Please use the button above to make a booking. 

For any queries re the course, please email