Understanding how to access UK health data for research


This course explores what health data is available for research within the UK; how to access the data and the common misunderstandings that delay health data access.


The course will provide the following:

  • A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of what data is available for health research
  • A summary of the organisations that provide data and the organisations that approve access to data
  • A round-up of the common misconceptions that delay access to health data


Alex Bailey


*There is a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply.

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates***


Rate (card)

Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)

Fully funded place (see eligibility above)*



Student (matriculation details required)









There is a cancellation date of 07/03/2024. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged.

(link to external ePay website)